How to resolve "error Executing the api /eventhubs" in #MicrosoftFlow?

While trying to connect Microsoft Flow to Azure Event Hub, you cannot retrieve the Event Hub name and instead you get "Error Executing the api /eventhubs" error. The event hub connector in Flow, allows you to connect to event hub using connection strings and get notified as soon as a new event in available in the hub. However, there are certain things you will need to know.

Event Hub Namespace vs. Event Hub 

An Event Hubs namespace provides a unique scoping container, referenced by its fully qualified domain name, in which you create one or more event hubs. So Event Hubs are inside Event Hub Namespace. Both of the Event Hub Namespace and Event Hub have their own connection string which can be used to access these resources. However, it is important to know that the Microsoft flow connector for Event hub accepts the Event Hub Namespace's connection string rather than Event Hub resource's connection string.

Error "Executing the api /eventhubs"

You will see the below error while trying to use Event Hub resource.

The solution is to use Event Hub Namespace's connection string.

To confirm whether your connection string is associated with your Event Hubs namespace or with a specific event hub, make sure the connection string doesn't have the EntityPath parameter. If you find this parameter, the connection string is for a specific Event Hub "entity" and is not the correct string to use with your logic app.



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