Converting Dynamics's Geolocation to SQL Geolocation using Microsoft Flow and Azure Function

Recently I have been working on a proof of concept to integrate Power Platform with Azure Search to facilitate enterprise search. I have been amazed by the power of integrating Power Platform with Azure Search and I will share my experience shortly in my upcoming blog posts. However, today I want to explain how did I met a small requirement in my proof of concept.


One of the awesome features of the Azure Search service is the ability to search information based on location. Azure Search processes, filters, and displays geographic locations. It enables users to explore data based on the proximity of a search result to a physical location. This feature is powered by SQL Server Geolocation data type. Since SQL Server 2008, developers are able store geospatial data in SQL server using Geolocation fields. Geolocation fields allow querying data with location based queries. To facilitate the Azure Search service to search within CRM accounts and contact, I had to pushed my account and contact searchable information to SQL server hosted in Azure. To copy information from Dynamics to Azure SQL server, I used Microsoft flow. Everything worked good except, copying CRM longitude and Latitude to SQL Server.

The problem

The problem with copying longitude and latitude to SQL server Geolocation field is the compatibility. When you try to insert longitude and latitude fields to Geolocation you encounter casting error.

The solution

The solution I used to tackle this problem is making use of Azure Function and converting Longitude and Latitude to Geolocation type in the Azure function and return the response before the Insert action in the flow. See the below steps:
  1. Step 1 is self-explanatory.
  2. The step "CC Contact" extracts the Contact name (or any lookup name property) from a lookup.
  3. The "Http" step, calls the Azure Function to converts the CRM longitude and Latitude to SQL Geolocation field
  4. The "Insert Row" step, inserts our data to SQL server row.


The Azure Function

The Azure function is a very simple function. You will need to import Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Nuget package and use the below code:
 string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();  
       Coordinates data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Coordinates>(requestBody);  
       SqlGeography point = data.GetGeography();  
       return ( ActionResult ) new OkObjectResult ( $"{point}" );  
 public class Coordinates  
     public double Longitude { get; set; }  
     public double Latitude { get; set; }  
     public SqlGeography GetGeography ( )  
         return SqlGeography. Point ( Latitude , Longitude , 4326 );  
       catch ( Exception ex )  
 // Log ex and handle exception  
         throw ex;  


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